Class and Sass

Posts Tagged ‘running gear’

Sasi Spi’s on the run!

In FIT on October 27, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Hi there!

Today I wanted to share my thoughts on my favorite piece of running apparel–my SPI Belt! I first bought this belt at the expo for the Capital of Texas triathlon I participated in last May. Much to my surprise, I fell in love with it! I have a simple black belt with a hot pink zipper, but there are so many options to choose from. Check them all out here!

The top 5 reasons why I love my SPI Belt are:

1. It never rides up or down while I am running.

2. It can hold my house keys and blackberry and still has room left over, but doesn’t look bulky or like a fanny pack!

3. It’s perfect for races and eliminates the need to always have safety pins with you to attach your bib. (I keep the toggels inside my belt all the time, so I’m always ready to race)

4. They are all made in the USA!

5. No bouncing! The belt doesn’t bounce at all when you run, and is comfortable over or under your fav running gear.

Want to order your own SPI Belt today? It will cost you about $20 but I warn you, you might end up buying more cool stuff! Or, you can also purchase a belt on Amazon for the same price.

Here’s a picture of me in my trusty belt crossing the finish line in Austin! (My belt is on, but my number is turned backward) What a race! Have a great Wednesday!